Emilio Vedova (9 August 1919 – 25 October 2006) was a modern Italian painter, considered one of the most important to emerge from his country's artistic scene, Arte Informale.
Emilio Vedova
Silvio Vigliaturo
Silvio Vigliaturo was born in Acri (Cosenza), in 1949. When still a child he moved to Chieri (Turin), where presently he lives and works. He is a glassfusion maestro and his technique is appreciated internationally and considered unique in his genre by the most important Italian and foreign critics.
Claudio Polles
Domenico Castaldi
Diplomato al Liceo Artistico e all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli. Insegna Arte ed Immagine.
Attualmente vive e lavora a Portogruaro(Ve).
Carmelo Zotti
Carmelo Zotti nasce a Trieste nel 1933 da padre istriano e madre cipriota. Trascorsa l'infanzia nella città natale e successivamente a Napoli nel 1945, si trasferisce a Venezia dove, allievo di Bruno Saetti, frequenta l'Accademia di Belle Arti.
Nasce a Torino il 20 dicembre del 1929. La sua famiglia si trasferisce dapprima a Parigi e poi a Roma, dove vive dal 1935 al 1945. Nel 1946 si trasferisce con la madre a Venezia. Nel 1947 s'iscrive al Liceo Artistico. Studia la cultura della Bauhaus e inizia a cimentarsi con il mosaico.
Riccardo Licata
Christine Hiller
Her watercolour portraits have been shown in the Archibald Prize exhibition on five occasions and she has won the Portia Geach Memorial Award for Women Portrait Painters three times. Now painting in oils, she produces landscapes of the North-West Coast of Tasmania, still-lives and portraits. She is also well known for her hand-coloured lino-cuts, elimination lino-cuts and dioramas
Tom Samek
(born 11 March 1950) is a Czech artist living and working in Australia. He is a painter, stage designer and printmaker. Born in Prague, Czech Republic. He moved to Germany and Switzerland in 1969, then Austria the following year and Australia in 1971. In 1972 he studied printmaking with Eric Smodic in Austria for a year, then returned to Australia the following year. He settled in Tasmania.
Melissa Damson
Originally from Australia, Melissa Wauchope, in art DAMSON, graduated with a Bachelor in fine arts at the James Cook University of Queensland. To follow her chosen career path, she transferred to Italy in the late Nineties. She currently lives near Venice, in Conegliano, where she works as a poliedric artist, moving with ease between painting, installation and photography, her attention for imagery converging with her philosophical commitment.
Maurilio Colombini
Maurilio Colombini infatti nasce a Piombino (Livorno) nel 1933. Dopo le elementari non ha frequentato alcuna scuola ed ha svolto innumerevoli lavori, tra i quali: il garzone di bottega, il marinaio, il carpentiere, etc. riuscendo a ritagliare comunque il tempo necessario da dedicare alla sua grande passione: la pittura.